Grupo Nichos Nubosoft Google Cloud & Google workspace

Caso de Éxito: Grupo Nichos

Mantener y administrar correo electrónico en servidores propios implica gastos financieros elevados. Por este tipo de razones, Grupo Nichos decidió buscar una solución más completa

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Caso de Éxito: ILSP

ILSP Keeps services running securely and gains scalability with Google Cloud Platform The Challenge Having technology at its core, the company’s mission is to satisfy

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Caso de Éxito: ConCrédito

ConCrédito significantly reduces IT costs, boosts internal collaboration and empowers its customers with Google Cloud The Challenge As one of the largest sustainable microfinance institutions

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Ifaceltics Nubosoft Google Cloud & Google Workspace

Caso de Éxito: IFA Celtics

Company Background Founded in 1940, IFA Celtics offers healthy solutions for overweight people focus in ethics and generate research and development of this medical solutions.

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